2020 Dates: Friday September 4 thru Sunday September 6

Carl F. Hammond
Burns, Oregon
Artwork, Bronze Sculpture, Mecates
2017 People's Choice Award Winner
Serina Pack
Silver City, NM
Western and Indian Realistic Painting
Ray Freeman
Carson City, NV
Oil Painting and Pastel
2016 Buckaroo Heritage/Snaffle Bit Award Winner
William 'Bill' Beck
Indian Jewelry, Silver and Leather
2017 Best Craftsman
Kelly Donovan
Corrine, UT
Painting, Sculpture and Drawing
2012 Buckaroo Heritage Award Winner
2015 Best of Show
SL Humphrey
Silver City, NM
SW Painting and Drawing
2015 Snaffle Bit Award
Linda Egle
Thedford, NB
Sculpture and Painting
2013 Best of Show-Artwork Winner
SL Pack
Silver City, NM
SW Painting and Drawing
Maureen MacAllister
Klamath Falls, OR
Wally Hammond
Burns, OR
Woodworking, Western Decor
Visalia Hammond
Burns, OR
Decorative Vases
Additional Artists and Craftsmen will be added soon, check back often!!